No choice but to leave Earth

The year is 3015 and The human race has depleted Earth of nearly all of its resources, a lottery to see who gets to go on the starship Galivanter. The Announcer said," Joseph Cordain and his husband Seth Cordain , you get first priority tickets." Joseph Cordain said," Aren't we lucky?" Seth Cordain replied," We are so lucky, and with a first priority as our tickets we get to take our surrogate mother and her whole family with us and our families." The Announcer then said," Alice Coley and Jason Cheyenne, you newly Weds also get first priority tickets." Alice Coley-Cheyenne said," We get to go to a new home world and raise our Twin's." Jason Cheyenne said," A boy and a girl?" Alice Coley-Cheyenne replied," Yep, Jason." All of the first priority tickets were called first. In The second priority tickets were scientists, public qualified officials, and celebrities. In The third priority tickets were writer's, painter's, photography professionals, producer's, and journalists. In The Fourth and final tickets were mechanics and engineers. All of them got to take family with them. 
The starship Galivanter took off with a countdown, and until 3019 they were all in cryostacis when they found a new suitable home world Goliro in the alpha omega galaxy. Waking up from cryostacis began a process of restarting everybody's bodily functions, and The functions of babies that's growing process was paused slightly. Once everyone was done waking up, the cities were built, and The babies were born they were put along with their parents a home in a city in the Venaro region.


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